CAO group @  济南大学 (Univ Jinan)

祝贺罗婷同学关于激光制备WS2微球新技术方面的结果被Chem Comm接收!

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Smooth and solid WS2 submicrospheresgrown by a new laser fragmentation and reshaping process with enhanced tribologyproperties

Ting Luo,a PingWang,a Zhiwen Qiu,a ShuhuaYang,a Haibo Zeng,b Bingqiang Cao*a

Smooth and solid WS2 submicrosphereswere prepared by alaser irradiation induced fragmentation and morphological reshaping processwith bulk-slice WS2 particles as targets in solution. Suchsubmicrospheres as additives in paraffin liquid show remarkablyenhancedreduction-friction and anti-wear properties in comparison with raw WS2slices.

Chemical Communications, 2016, DOI: 10.1039/C6CC04212K